This is a guy I created a while back. He was given to my friend michelejacksonstudio.blogspot.com/ as a birthday gift. The mediums I used were Sculpy II and acrylic paint. |
Lately, I have been into monsters. Drawing them is fun because, unless you have a specific idea in mind, you don't have to worry about making everything perfect.
In the beginning, I had a totally different picture in my head of what he would turn out like; but then I let my hands take center stage and this was the outcome. OK, OK, I won't lie. I spoke a few incantations to my buddy Satan to finish him off and I couldn't be happier. Don't judge! Everyone calls on Satan to get some help nowadays.
My inspiration came from other modern artists in magazines like "Juxtapose" and "Hifructose". They mostly inspire me because they don't appear to allow fear control what they do best.
Although Sculpy is a pain in the ass to work with, I had a lot of fun making my little guy. Shaping out the eyes, nose, lips and teeth, I started seeing my piece come to life. I began to notice the humor and awesomeness in his face. It was better than I had originally imagined.
When I presented the figure to my friend, she was amazed. When I create art, my goal is to make the receiver feel like the luckiest kid in the world.
Well....mission accomplished.
Best. Day. Ever.